Friday, May 11, 2012
Adventures in Potty Training Boot Camp
I know I said I'd tell diabetes stories all this month, but I lied. Children tend to change our plans. So I'm blogging about potty training Grant.
We started a 3 Day Potty Training Boot Camp yesterday. I've had several friends do it with complete success. The lady who wrote the book encourages you to do the boot camp at 22 months...she says it's the optimal age. Any earlier and they may not be physically or mentally ready. Any later...particularly after 2 1/2 years old, and old habits die REALLY hard.
So, we tossed the diapers, put on the big boy pants, loaded up with treats and prizes, and are giving it a shot. He HATES wet underwear. I mean, the second he starts to go, he jumps up, runs to me and we haul it to the bathroom. Occasionally, he finishes in the Big Boy Potty. Usually, he doesn't, we put on clean underwear, and he goes in his pants again...which repeats the above cycle...approximately 2 minutes later. However, in 28 hours, our successes do include: peeing outside 3 times, peeing in the potty 5 times (1 was ACTUALLY PROMPTED BY GRANT HIMSELF!), one marble-sized poop in the toilet, waking up dry from his nap yesterday, only 1 overnight accident at 11:30p and waking up dry at 7a...and we'll see about naptime today. He's sleeping...which is why I can blog for a second. I'm going to say the good overshadows the 35+ pairs of underwear we've gone through since started yesterday morning.
The book says that most kids take until the end of the 3rd day to actually put everything together, realize that going to the potty is good, recognize when they have to go, and tell you in their own way. Once that happens, they get it. It's all about praise, recognition, never scold when the have an accident. You just encourage when they do ANYTHING at all. Keeping the fingers crossed that we're doing the happy dance by Sunday morning. (And you can think about Ben. He's got the potty duty tomorrow since I have to work.)
I'm really proud of my little guy. Poor kid though. Part of this simply boils down to a battle of the wills. I know he's ready to be potty trained. He can stop a stream when he starts in his pants and then continue it on the potty. One of the biggest issues at hand is that his world is changing. No more wetting pants while playing because it's easy. No more laying down to be changed. Growing up is tough. Last night, after his accident and once he was changed and in clean clothes and sheets, he kept screaming "OFF!" and tugging at his underwear. They are changing his little world. He went down for a nap an hour early today...just because I think he's emotionally and physically exhausted.
I'm going to finish blogging and pray for my little guy. Even potty training isn't too small of a prayer request. Jesus gets it. I think I'll pray for my sanity, too. Both Grant and Jesus know I need it.
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